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Lunch Box Love Notes | Not Just for Kids

A couple weeks ago my husband started his new EMT job. He is so busy working all he can, going to paramedic school, and completing clinicals that he is never home for meals. When he worked fast food, he never let me pack him a lunch. Now that he does not have easy access to food, he loves the lunches I pack. My husband is able to send me texts occasionally, but I miss him. I want to share with him words of affirmation. Though words of affirmation are not his primary love language, I am sure he will appreciate the sentiment. His primary love language is acts of service, so the making of his lunch counts for that.

I love the art of handwriting. It is more personal to me. So I am sharing with you what I am writing on my homemade lunchbox love notes for my husband. I will get crafty and make them special. Some of them might be a little spicy.

If you are looking for printable love notes, I love these ones from Amazon. They are fill-in-the-blank and cute! 

Lunch Box Love Notes

I’m blessed you are my husband.

You’re my dream come true – you know that, don’t you?

They say you fall in love only once. That is a lie. Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again.

You look so handsome today. How did I know? Because you look handsome every day.

Life is rushed and things get busy, but never forget that I love you

Praying for you while you are doing what God called you to do.

Thank you so much for working hard and providing for our family. I love you!

Your kisses make my heart flutter, can’t wait until my heart flutters again.

The best place in the world is in your arms.

Cute enough to stop my heart, skilled enough to restart it.

I hope your lunch is tasty because I find you to be absolutely mouthwatering.

This Florida sun may be hot, but you are the hottest one for me.

Here is a sweet treat because you are my sugar and spice!

Front side: Are you tired? Back Side: Because you have been running through my mind all day.

I love you to the moon and back.

We are together forever, to infinity and beyond!

Each day is an adventure with you, thanks for making life exciting.

Love me tender, love me sweet, love me any way you want!

When you get home, let’s have dessert first. Meet me in the bedroom ; )

I love you so much. Thank you for being you–so thankful God gave me you!

Do you send your husband lunch box love notes?

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