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Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt

Get ready to create unforgettable memories with your family as you embark on a Christmas Light Scavenger hunt through dazzling holiday displays. In this article, I’ll provide you with a free printable checklist that will add an extra layer of excitement to your hunt. Discover the best tips and tricks to make this festive activity a resounding success. Let’s light up your family’s holiday spirit with this enchanting Christmas activity.

Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt

Looking for unique displays is always fun and a Christmas Tradition in my family. I think of all the hard work people put into doing their lights. So while this scavenger hunt has some traditional items to look for I had added a few oddities I have encountered through the years.

Ways to Use This Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt

I have created a printable version for each of these gameplay ideas.

Christmas Light Bingo. This is a great way to play with young kids. I have made this version simpler with just graphics. The first person to get five in a row wins.

Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt Competition. Each item has a point value. If you are playing against someone or in teams this is a great option.

Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt List. This version is just a listing with all the items. My husband and I set out to challenge ourselves with this one. We don’t end our date night unless we find everything.

What to Use for Prizes

If you are having a competition or playing the Bingo version plan on having a couple of fun prizes. Since this activity, in general, is fun and frugal I would make the prize budget-friendly. Here are some ideas:

  • Homemade Christmas Baked Goods
  • Dollar Tree Gift/Gift Basket
  • Homemade Certificate for bragging rights
  • Coupon Booklet for things like getting out of chores, extra hugs, phone-free time, etc.

Tips For Looking at Christmas Lights

Plan Out Your Neighborhoods/Houses. One of my favorite ways to plan out my evening is to use the Christmas Light Finder Website. That website will have a lot of houses. I also peruse YouTube and Facebook with my city’s name. Over the years I have also dropped a pin on my Google Maps app to remember the location of a hidden gem.

Pack Snacks & Drinks. I usually bring a selection of Christmas cookies, a party mix such as Chex Mix or Muddy Buddies, and a few healthier snacks like carrot sticks and cheese & crackers. For drinks, I like a thermos of hot chocolate, cider, or even just water or tea. Closer to Christmas day I like egg nog.

Wear Pajamas. Most of the time you will be visiting the lights in the comfort of your car so dressing in your favorite Christmas pajamas is perfect! It will also be nice at the end of the night to just crawl into bed.

Play Christmas Music. Make a Christmas music playlist with your favorites or use a music service like Spotify for setting the mood. I have so many memories of my family singing along to all the songs


Thank You for Spreading the Pixie Dust!


Tuesday 22nd of December 2020

The BINGO link isn’t working. I love these and look forward to using them. Thanks!


Wednesday 23rd of December 2020

Thanks for letting me know, I fixed the link!


Wednesday 16th of December 2020

Can I please get a copy of the Christmas light scavenger hunt printable? Love it- thanks


Thursday 17th of December 2020

Hi Julie, the links for the printable are in the post. I will make the link more noticeable though :)