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Princess 10K Experience | A Plus-Sized Princess Story of Accomplishment

When I was getting ready for my runDisney Princess 10K I stalked other running blogs and Youtube channels to know what I could experience. While I did gain some perspective, I was having a hard time relating to someone who has run a bunch of races. I am a plus-size princess, I only read a couple of stories regarding plus-size runners. I am sharing my runDisney Princess 10k experience as a plus-size girl.

Nervous excitement, exhaustion, joy, pride, and being overwhelmed are all emotions I felt on race day. Here is a run down of my runDisney weekend.

runDisney Expo (Packet Pickup) – I went to the runDisney Expo on Thursday mid-morning. I went a little bit late to avoid the merchandise rush on popular items. I was just picking up my bib and prepurchased pin. I was supposed to have printed out my race waiver ahead of time but didn’t have it because a few days earlier I moved closer to Walt Disney World and did not have internet access set up. It did not take more than a few seconds to print out the waiver and pick up my bib. I then went to the expo vendor area and got my prepurchased pin and race shirt.

I wear a 3x in women’s clothes. runDisney only offers shirts up to 2x. So I have a shirt that does not fit, I am thinking I will make it into a pillow.

Pictures. Make sure you take a few pictures at the expo. This year’s princess race was centered around the new live-action Beauty and the Beast and a few neat photo opps were available.

Day Before Race Day – I ate a great, protein and carb filled breakfast. The rest of the day I had protein and easy on my stomach snacks. I also drank lots of water to hydrate my body.

Sleep did not come easy. I was nervous and excited all at once.

Race Morning – Woke up at 2am. Showered and got into my race outfit. Since I now live close to Disney I drove to Epcot. I think I got there around 4am. You can get photos with princesses before the race but the lines were super long already at 4am. (Related: runDisney Packing List

A DJ was leading a dance party so I decided to warm up a little bit that way. Since I was a solo princess I felt kind of funny dancing by myself. I noticed people starting to gather near the corral area. I went over there and shortly afterwards they let us into the corrals. I got a spot near the beginning of the corral so I counted myself lucky.

 3..2…1…Go – Got to the start line and the excitement level was super high. Cheering and screaming all over. Fireworks go off and the race begins. I begin walking (walked the entire race) and soon see Moana on the overpass cheering us on.

The next 3 miles are honestly pretty boring. There are a few characters but I didn’t stop or I would have been swept. It was neat to see them though. Other than a few characters, the first 3 miles are boring. I am glad that I had my headphones or I would have fallen behind.

Entering Epcot – Now the 10K starts to get a little more exciting. Cast members are out cheering us on. Music is playing in each of the countries. Plus, there is nothing like racing at a Disney Park, it is just magical.

Around mile 4.5 I start feeling tired and really hot. At the water station, I drink a cup and poured the other one over my head. I was frustrated at being tired. Did not feel tired like this during my training. At the time I thought maybe the ramp and hills tired me out a bit more because I didn’t train with those.

Passed by the Balloon Ladies – Thankfully I was around mile 5 so I had no fear of being swept. They walked on by and said some encouraging words. I was getting more tired and generally not feeling right. I was going to finish though and not give up.

Near the Finish Line – Getting closer to the finish line. Not many people left in the stands or on the course. I was not racing against other people though or even for other people to see me. I was doing this for me. My race, my accomplishment.

I DID IT! I crossed the finish line. My husband was cheering me on. I almost cried. I got the pretty Princess 10K medal, took my finisher picture, and then went over to the first aid tent to get some ice on my legs.

I then went and got my water, Gatorade, and food box. I saw other people sitting down so I did the same.

Emergency – My husband came near and was helping me stand up; I developed a huge headache and passed out on the ground. Next thing I remember is being transported in an ambulance to the hospital.

I had gotten severely dehydrated. I made the mistake of drinking too much water and basically wiping all my electrolytes out. My blood pressure was really, really low.

My afternoon was spent getting IV’s of fluid and them constantly checking my blood pressure. It took awhile to get back to normal. The whole time I was wearing my medal and the staff at the hospital treated me like a princess and congratulated me.

After a few tests to make sure my heart was ok, it is, I was sent home. I asked for tips in the team runDisney Facebook group and got lots of suggestions about how to hydrate for my next race so I don’t get sick again. It is so much more than just water. Lesson learned.

I hoped you enjoyed reading my Princess 10K Experience.  If you have any questions at all about doing a runDisney race as a plus-size girl, please join the Disney Vacations: Tips & Tricks Facebook Group and ask me anything. I hoped I encouraged you to have your own Princess 10K Experience.

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Thank You for Spreading the Pixie Dust!


Tuesday 24th of August 2021

I realize this was several years but I am very proud if you! I did my first 10k in 2016 (as a plus sized girl) and got swept. It takes courage to do it by yourself!


Thursday 26th of August 2021

awww thank you! That means a lot to me.

Gabrielle Turgeon

Tuesday 2nd of May 2017

First off Congrats on this awesome accomplishment! My goal is to get to a rundisney 10k before my 30th birthday. I've always been plus size but have start jogging abit and love it. Your story gives me the encouragement to keep going to get to my goal of getting to a rundisney event!

Maria - Tough Cookie Mommy

Sunday 19th of March 2017

I think this is a tremendous accomplishment for you. I'm glad you are okay and that you learned ways to stay hydrated during your next race.

Lisa Collins

Friday 17th of March 2017

What a great accomplishment to have under your belt - congratulations! Glad your are feeling better after that scare as well!


Friday 17th of March 2017

A 10K is a great achievement! I have never run 10K so I am very impressed. I'm sorry about your hydration experience but glad you got good medical care and hydration tips so it won't happen again!